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Автомобилна нова линия за екструдиране на пластмасови материали

Начало>Приложение>Автомобилна нова линия за екструдиране на пластмасови материали

3D печатаща тел / Автомобилна линия за екструдиране на малки тръби


Performance and feature:

Those serial of extrusion machines are researched and developed independently by Changzhou JWELL Pipe Equipment Co., Ltd, and specially used for make 3D printing wires, car small oil pipe, air pipe. Equipped with different kind of barrel and screws, such extrusion machines can suitable for PE, PP, PA, FPVC, PU, PLA, ABS etc, many kind of materials pipe, rod, wire high speed extrusion.

Those small machines speed fast, accurate, easy to handle, waste less raw material, running cost low, cover small space and preferred by many customers.




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